Dolores Carnahan, West Park School District, Fresno, CAA REVIEW OF AMERICAN HISTORYAppropriate for grades 4-8.
OVERVIEW: A good knowledge of the past is essential tounderstanding the present as well as the future. Students need toappreciate that the present comes from people and events from thepast and that history is a chronological record. To beresponsible citizens in the world today and tomorrow, studentsneed to comprehend the historical concepts of time and chronology,cause and effect, continuity and change, major historical eventsand periods, and the impact of religion, philosophy, and othermajor belief systems on history.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this lesson is to review the importanceHistorical events and time periods of United States history fromdiscovery to the present. Through the use of art, crafts, drama,music, and dance, students can acquire a better understanding ofthe important contributions of individuals as well as culturalgroups, and their impact on U.S. history. This lesson is used toculminate all the units studied during the year.
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
1. Understand that life is influenced by man's physical environment, heritage, and cultural interchange.
2. Understand that people of all races, cultures, and religions have made a contributions to world history.
3. Develop a sense of pride and appreciation for their own as well as other's work.
4. Develop the ability to work well in groups as well as independently.
1. Students will write and illustrate a time line depicting major time periods or interesting facts. They can work in groups or independently to make single panels for a time line or use butcher paper to make longer ones.
2. Students decorate a shoe box into a mini-float showing their research. Use small toy figures, rocks, vehicles, sotto, and other materials for construction.
3. Children can pick an area of interest and write and/or act out a play or recite a speech (Ex. Gettysburg Address). Students can make a background and costumes reflecting the time period. Puppet shows are another good source especially for shy students.
4. Make dioramas or murals. These are best when done in small groups. Nothing beats the hands on approach.
5. Learn songs and dances of the different time periods. Patriotic songs will only be learned if taught as part of the curriculum.
RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED: Some of the potential resources mightinclude: - American history textbooks
- Encyclopedia
- Books on plays
- Music books, tapes, and records
- Educational magazines and periodicals
TYING IT ALL TOGETHER: A year end program culminating the yearswork allows the students to perform and/or display their work toclassmates and parents. Display time lines, murals, dioramas, andfloats at Open House, school assemblies, or in the classroom. Children can act out plays, perform dances and/or sing songs fromthe era studied. A tape of patriotic songs can be played aspeople view the floats and awards for the best floats may be given.
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