the 5 powerful man in the world

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the powerful man in the world are base on the survey to the people. for the rank 1:

1. Barack Obama how powerful he is according to the survey Barack Obama is ablack american that won the president at USA ( one of the powerful country) barack obama recently awarded nobel prize, apparently for general awesomeness.

2. Hu Jintao paramount l.eader of more people than anyone else on the planet.

3. Vladimir Putin Prime Minister might as well be known as Czar, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russians.

4. Ben S. Bernanke Former chairman of Princeton's economics department and noted Great Depression scholar now guiding world's largest economy through Great Recession; has overseen massive growth in Fed's balance sheet, from less than $900 billion in liabilities in August 2008 to more than $2.1 trillion today.

5. Sergey Brin and Larry Page If knowledge is power, maybe information is too. Brainy duo met in Stanford computer science Ph.D. program, now trying to put all the world's information at your fingertips.
Known for collecting best and brightest young tech talent at Mountain View, Calif., "Googleplex"; employees encouraged to spend one day a week on personal projects; company often named "Best Place To Work" in America.
Google guys' combined net worth of $30.6 billion would place them third on the Forbes 400.


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