Zymotics magazine Presents “21 Famous Person in the world”

Monday, December 21, 2009

“21 Famous Person in the world”


  1. Barrack Obama
  2. Julia Roberts
  3. Oprah Winfrey
  4. Cameron Diaz
  5. Angelina Jolie
  6. Jim Carrey
  7. Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao
  8. Brad Pitt

9. Tom Cruise

10. Rowan Atkinson

11. Bon Jovi

12. Britney Spears

13. Michael Jackson

14. Bill Gates

15. Adam Sandler

16. Golden Boy

17. Jackie Chan

18. Corazon Aquino

19. Beyonce

20. May Weather

21. Celine Dion


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