Is there any Curable medicine to AIDS?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

No cure for AIDS. Although antiretroviral treatment can suppress HIV - the virus that causes AIDS - and can delay the disease for many years, it can clear the virus completely. No confirmed case of someone getting rid of HIV infection. Sadly, it does not stop countless quacks and con artists touting unproven, often dangerous "AIDS cures" to desperate people. It is easy to see why an HIV positive person may want to believe in a cure for AIDS. Access to antiretroviral treatment is scarce in the world volume. When a person has a deadly disease they may clutch anything to stay alive. And even when antiretroviral treatment is available, it is far from an easy solution. Drugs should be taken daily for the rest of a person's life, often causing undesirable effects. A one-off cure to eliminate the virus once and for all is more appealing. Distrust of Western medicine is not wonderful, especially in developing countries. The Internet abounds with rumors of the pharmaceutical industry or the U.S. government AIDS cures barrier to protect the market for patented drugs. Many people want a remedy that "natural" or "traditional".


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